Friday, February 01, 2008

Like never before...

I am painting little color compie kinda things left and right... I don't even want to do my job now. Just paint itty bitty paintings on my DS. I think this may be becoming a problem. Hmmm.... But anyway. Here are just 2 fun ones I did recently. Enjoy em!


Richard Peter Han said...

ooh! nice little enviroment piece.

Mark McDonnell said...

Man . . . .these are DOPE!!! Nice experimentation. Impressive and nice to see. Love 'em, great feel and looseness.



Anonymous said...

very interesting works, i liked so much the yucatan sketches!

Gerald de Dios said...

Hahah, I'm so addicted too (2 months straight). I'm starting to miss my sketchbook :(

Since you're hooked too, you should whip up some entries for the weekly contest?!

I love the mystery in the top illustration.

I like the composition in the helicopter scene.